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Dear business partner
Here you will find precise information on the General Purchasing Conditions, the main delivery addresses for goods at Manor, the invoicing addresses meeting VAT requirements, and the mailing addresses for the individual establishments.
1 Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct stipulates the standards of behaviour that must be observed at Manor. The Code deals with all of the relevant issues, from Manor’s social and environmental responsibilities to combating fraud and corruption, and the protection of personal privacy. It applies to all employees, without exception, and all suppliers and business partners. As such, it is an integral part of the contract and must always be observed.
2 General Purchasing Conditions
3 Invoice handling process
Manor AG continuously optimises the overall invoice handling process with regard to invoice receipt, VAT-compliant archiving and invoice checking. In order to ensure a smooth process, the following procedures and conditions for deliveries and invoicing must be observed without exception.
Consignment, concession
4 Supply Chain
4a Logistics
Consignment, concession
General information
4b Box Labelling
4c Inbound & Customs
5 Purchasing conditons
5a Purchasing conditons Food
5b Purchasing conditons Non-Food
Quality Manual Non-Food
Fit for Use Requirements Non-Food
6 IT – EDI (Electronic Data Interface) Guidelines and GLN List
Current guidelines (D01.B) for new implementations
7 Contact
You would like to contact us? Below you will find the e-mail addresses for our different departments: